50,000 before W:O:A 2009!

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W:O:A Metalmaster
30 Nov. 2007
Oahu, Hawaii
Yeah in all honesty there's no way I'd be pay the amount you do just for a european festivals with the cost of flights, I was going to go to Sweden Rock this year but couldn't get anyone else to go with in the end cause my mate dropped out.

Yes the airfares are insane that's the main thing keeping me from returning more often. Sweden Rock has a nice mix of Hard Rock and Metal and lots of big name bands each year. I am told that the festival is expensive though as is Sweden in general.


W:O:A Metalhead
13 März 2008
Yes the airfares are insane that's the main thing keeping me from returning more often. Sweden Rock has a nice mix of Hard Rock and Metal and lots of big name bands each year. I am told that the festival is expensive though as is Sweden in general.

Yup pretty much all of Sweden is expensive (drink especially) as far as I'm aware, still a country I really want to visit though.


W:O:A Metalmaster
30 Nov. 2007
Oahu, Hawaii
Well London is much much more expensive than the rest of the UK, so quite possibly not more than London

I was in London in 87, I loved it, and even then it was expensive for me, but the pound just kicks the dollar's ass all over the place. It is much worse now. The pound to the dollar was comparable to what the Euro is to the dollar now.