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W:O:A Metalgod
19 März 2007
hm, i'll try to simplify it a little for you...
...told you this part, kirtland jumped off the hood of a fast moving car.
somehow, it got him really messed up, and he was slipping in and out of consciousness.
a bunch of people came, family as well as paramedics and policemen, and they sorted everything out.

I sort of understood the consciousness thing... but I though it was like he had taken drugs or something :rolleyes: Whatever, now I understood. Thank you :)

*watching Zim*


Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
*deep breath*
so i was at a church thingy before school, like always... i was riding with a bunch of other people from there to school, except when we turned out of the parking lot, we saw another car with a couple of other people in there, just sitting in the road... and one of the guys, kirtland, was reeling back and forth in front of it, completely unable to balance...
apparently, what had happened was, kirtland was on the hood of the car, while the driver [riley] was going really fast, say like 20mph, and he jumped off and really messed himself up. like he was slipping in and out of consciousness.
so we went back into the parking lot, called 911, and got everyone that was still inside the building out to help. soon, 2 police cars, 2 ambulances, and a fire truck arrived. the paramedics took him to the hospital. his mom had come, and went with him. and riley was put in handcuffs and into the police car. his mom was there too, and hysterical... i felt so bad for her.
then the police asked us a few questions, and took one of the guys who had seen it happened and talked to him a little more.
like i said, interesting morning. :D

How can anybody be so folish.

Well Hope he gets alright then.


Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
Hm. andscheinend bin ich alleine :(

Q: Entschuldigung, aber du kannst nur alle 30 Sekunden Sipy küssen. Du musst noch 7 Sekunden warten, bevor du Sipy wieder küssen kannst.
S: Entschuldigung, aber du kannst nur alle 30 Sekunden Quark küssen. Du musst noch 7 Sekunden warten, bevor du Quark wieder küssen kannst.

Wieso müssen wir immer warten? :confused: Hat doch kein Zweck?