50,000 before W:O:A 2009!

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W:O:A Metalgod
19 März 2007
well, i always think in a positive note, there is always a goal to reach after the first initial goal has ben broke. we can get this thing up to 100K before next year even starts, i believe we can get this sucker up to 150K even, hell, maybe even 200K :eek:

woo hoo almost at 51K :D:D

This shows, that we're not nearly at 1k a day anymore, so I don't think spamming will be going like it used to in this thread. More likely some 25k thread standart (which isn't bad too)


W:O:A Metalhead
we would have a kids game show kind of like where in the world is carmen san diego, but it would be called where in spamtopia is spammy the spam clam....... i think i might have to work that one out. but i would try to buy out the price is right and have it filmed on the great spamstage of spammness. it would be the greatest stage of them all and there would be bad ass concerts all the time there, all the bands would want to make a stop at spamtopia


W:O:A Metalhead
man i really need to go to the gym today, even if my dad doesnt go with me i need to go because i avoided it the past two days. i will never loose weight sitting at home waiting for the phone to ring LOL. damn big bonedness causing me to be fat and such, i wish i was a 9 pound baby instead of a 12 pound baby :D


W:O:A Metalhead
i really hope i start working before may 11th though so i can have money for the type o negative show im going to. and if i am not working by june, im just pathetic i guess :rolleyes:

why places wont hire me i dunno, im a good worker.i hope its not because im growing my beard out again :( i miss having a beard :D


W:O:A Metalhead
if i got another job in security, that would be bad ass, because i would have to do for these security jobs is stand in one spot most of the time. it would be nothing like walking around in a casino. plus i would get to carry a handgun :eek: :D :cool: maybe not the safest of things, but i used to be good with handguns, i hope i still am. would give me a reason to start the gun collecion i always wanted :D:D