50,000 before W:O:A 2009!

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W:O:A Metalhead


W:O:A Metalhead
man, took me a half hour just to get my way around to find the pizza buffet today. they were fixing the off ramp of the way i would have went, so i had to go up an exit, and then back-track in a part of town i never drove through before. it was a good learning experience i guess. then i tried to help somebody out buy jumpstarting their car, and failed miserably because by 20 minutes into trying to help out he told me that he ran completely out of gas :rolleyes:. at least i tried though.


W:O:A Metalhead
I fear that they ain't spamming anymore, because there's no goal (therefore no need)

well, i always think in a positive note, there is always a goal to reach after the first initial goal has ben broke. we can get this thing up to 100K before next year even starts, i believe we can get this sucker up to 150K even, hell, maybe even 200K :eek: