50,000 before W:O:A 2009!

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W:O:A Metalhead
17 Aug. 2007
Stockholm, Sweden
I hate that! Today there was this guy who said to me: that is quite impressive for such a little girl like you...

(after I did 110kg on the legpress)

110 kg on legpress?

How large are you? (Are we allowed to ask females these kind of questions?)

I do 320+ in legpress but the gym have seemed to hidden away alot of the weights, or they were stolen so it's hard to get that amount at the moment :p


W:O:A Metalmaster
4 Juli 2006
A crazy men's Utopia
110 kg on legpress?

How large are you? (Are we allowed to ask females these kind of questions?)

I do 320+ in legpress but the gym have seemed to hidden away alot of the weights, or they were stolen so it's hard to get that amount at the moment :p

I am 1m67 and about 55kg.

they legpress at my gym does not even go to 320 KG.... that is fucking much! What I also dislike is the fact that I still do not see any difference. Sure I got a lot stronger, I can tell by the kg's I select at the machines. But I do not see the difference in my legs or my arms


Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
110 kg on legpress?

How large are you? (Are we allowed to ask females these kind of questions?)

I do 320+ in legpress but the gym have seemed to hidden away alot of the weights, or they were stolen so it's hard to get that amount at the moment :p
That was because of YOUR quote.

I don't think an "anglophone" will count in kilos unless for drugs. (but I'm not really sure about Australasia though :confused: )

@Sevren, do you use the decimal system of measurements?
he was talking about KG's before