W:O:A Metalmaster
You'll have to wait a while until the definitive lineup.
I know, which is terrible, coz they are very late with that most of the time
You'll have to wait a while until the definitive lineup.
I am gonna fly to Afghanistan probably
I'd like to become a living dead!
what happened?
Owen gevallen, in eerste aanleg niks, maar toen we 's avonds keken, leek 't of hij 'n gat in z'n hoofd had. Dus rap naar de dokter gegaan!
Gelukkig alleen 'n schaafwondje op z'n hoofd, maar hij wou niet slapen. Brulde half Best bij elkaar, en we zitten in Neerpelt!
Owen gevallen, in eerste aanleg niks, maar toen we 's avonds keken, leek 't of hij 'n gat in z'n hoofd had. Dus rap naar de dokter gegaan!
Gelukkig alleen 'n schaafwondje op z'n hoofd, maar hij wou niet slapen. Brulde half Best bij elkaar, en we zitten in Neerpelt!
I quickly had to go to the docter, Owen fell down this afternoon, and it appeared as he had a hole in his head. Fortunately it's nothing.
I'd like to become a living dead!
Owen fallen, in first construction nothing, but when we looked at at night, seemed ' t or he ' n had breach in his head. Therefore quickly gone to the doctor! Happy only n schaafwondje on his head, but he did not want sleep. Roarred half of Best awake, and we are in Neerpelt!
I dont quite get the last sentence! :S
I love the fucking gym!
Especially when i go and do 127.5 KG on some machines and people just stares at me