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Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
actually you know something... my greatest 'fear' or whatever you want to call it about drinking isn't that I'll get hungover or crash a car or die or screw myself over in some way...
it's that nothing would happen... I'd have a great time with it... and keep drinking and partying. and I don't necessarily mean as in addiction.
...if that makes any sense :p

Actually it doesn't.


Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien


W:O:A Metalhead
well maybe its better if nobody is on.... i i dont feel to well.... in the head that is.... i think i may be psychotic in thought.... i just feel like things dont fit and i have no way to fix this shit. happy is still there, but the dark cloud of bad dreams and crazy thoughts looms over the horizon.... i just dunno what to do about it. i know it will help me in writing a book, something i have always wanted to do, but this kind of thinking makes me mad and angry. i feel the creative urge to get what's in there out, but i hope i can get it out in time before the happy me gets faded into the blackness of the space thats known as the rest of my brain. i would hate to be something that i dont want to be just to get the creativeness of that area out. this is helping me now to calm down and to quit thinking so much into it at the moment, but this cant be my only way to keep the thoughts at bay. well, now that i have all that out.... i forgot to mention a while back that i might consider writing a book:eek: and i think it might be a good book too :eek::eek: but right now, its still in that dark thought process at the moment. thank god i had a fucked up life to create a good story of fictional thoughts that were once thoughts i had for real:eek::eek:

later now, i shall be on my way off to bed :)


W:O:A Metalgod
22 Juni 2005
Almere, Holland
well maybe its better if nobody is on.... i i dont feel to well.... in the head that is.... i think i may be psychotic in thought.... i just feel like things dont fit and i have no way to fix this shit. happy is still there, but the dark cloud of bad dreams and crazy thoughts looms over the horizon.... i just dunno what to do about it. i know it will help me in writing a book, something i have always wanted to do, but this kind of thinking makes me mad and angry. i feel the creative urge to get what's in there out, but i hope i can get it out in time before the happy me gets faded into the blackness of the space thats known as the rest of my brain. i would hate to be something that i dont want to be just to get the creativeness of that area out. this is helping me now to calm down and to quit thinking so much into it at the moment, but this cant be my only way to keep the thoughts at bay. well, now that i have all that out.... i forgot to mention a while back that i might consider writing a book:eek: and i think it might be a good book too :eek::eek: but right now, its still in that dark thought process at the moment. thank god i had a fucked up life to create a good story of fictional thoughts that were once thoughts i had for real:eek::eek:

later now, i shall be on my way off to bed :)

well if you put it that way.. writing a book might be a good idea.