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W:O:A Metalgod
19 März 2007
200 posts to go for you people. Shouldn't be much of a deal ;) I'm gonna lie down for a while against headache and backpain.... :/


Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
So I just emailed the program-director for my trip, Mr. Klaas Kunst. I have kind of a problem...When I booked my airline tickets, the program was supposed to start on the 22nd. You're supposed to fly into frankfurt, then they give you a free ride to marburg. However, after I booked them, the start date changed to the 23rd, and you're not allowed to arrive in the university before the 23rd...So hopefully i can get a free ride still, and stay in a hostel for the night or something..

Is he Dutch or something? With such a name...