W:O:A Metalmaster
she can try
Yeah...i wish i could demostrate or something..but the best way to learn of course is just listening to your teacher.
she can try
Yeah...i wish i could demostrate or something..but the best way to learn of course is just listening to your teacher.
..............i just had a brain fart
My co-worker from Flensburg finally came back to work today, she was back home for 3 weeks around X-mas and new years. I can understand her soooooooooooo much better than those two Berliners So glad to have her back.
Ehmmmm....well heres how my teacher told us to do it.
Like for the word "spülen". For the umlauted "u", purse your lips, and say "eeee".
oh, well then i guess i cant argue with that