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W:O:A Metalmaster
30 Nov. 2007
Oahu, Hawaii
And I had to spend part of my time in a room where the bosses wife controlled the radio and she listened to a horrible radio station that played shit like Michael Buble' and Celine Dion all day, that was torture! They played like 10 different songs over and over each day.


W:O:A Metalhead
31 Dez. 2008
And I had to spend part of my time in a room where the bosses wife controlled the radio and she listened to a horrible radio station that played shit like Michael Buble' and Celine Dion all day, that was torture! They played like 10 different songs over and over each day.

here the patients are hearinf celine dion too :mad: the only metaller is in his room hearing Cradle of filth :(