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W:O:A Metalgod
29 Dez. 2007
That's a good idea, for instance I often like movies that critics hate and vice versa, and with some Metal magazines that I read, I learn which reviewers seem to have similar taste to mine, but I like descriptive or comparative reviews, not those which are "this album is good" or "this album is bad"

yea, reviews like that are helpful... though I don't bother to search them out
a lot easier to just listen for myself :p


W:O:A Metalmaster
30 Nov. 2007
Oahu, Hawaii
yea, reviews like that are helpful... though I don't bother to search them out
a lot easier to just listen for myself :p

I tend to first read to find out what sub-genre the band/album is, then if it's one I like I then read to find out if the band is compared to any other bands. If they are compared to or influenced by stuff I really like then I'll look into them further, but if it's the opposite, compared to something I dislike, I stop there.


W:O:A Metalgod
29 Dez. 2007
I tend to first read to find out what sub-genre the band/album is, then if it's one I like I then read to find out if the band is compared to any other bands. If they are compared to or influenced by stuff I really like then I'll look into them further, but if it's the opposite, compared to something I dislike, I stop there.

yea, I'll maybe look into subgenres... but mostly just to know roughly what to expect
since usually I like most all kinds of metal :p