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W:O:A Metalmaster
18 Juni 2007
Marburg, Hessen
yea exactly...
I mean, I'm fully dedicated to my religion and all...
but if some bands want to believe in and worship the devil... hate Christianity... whatever... I don't care
but when you go as far as burning churches and making a joke out of Christ... well, then we have a problem. then it's a question of respect.

There must be a struggle within yourself every time you turn on some of Norway's finest. I used to be like that...like...FUCK! I love Emperor...but this 'Inno A Satana'...baaaaaaad. It's an uphill battle, and when you battle against yourself, you always lose.


W:O:A Metalmaster
30 Nov. 2007
Oahu, Hawaii
I don't read reviews either...
though pretty much because I don't trust anyone's tastes but my own

That's a good idea, for instance I often like movies that critics hate and vice versa, and with some Metal magazines that I read, I learn which reviewers seem to have similar taste to mine, but I like descriptive or comparative reviews, not those which are "this album is good" or "this album is bad"


W:O:A Metalmaster
18 Juni 2007
Marburg, Hessen
OK, so what's your opinion on Dimmu?

Mixed...Puritanical, SBD, In Sorte Diaboli, and Enthrone I really like, and the real early stuff too. But I'm a huge Simen Hestnaes fan and I'd like him to have more singing time. Some of their stuff sucks abit, specially a few things off Death Cult which are too much straightforward metal, and that crappy ass re-do of Stormblast in 2005. Overall tho I really dig em.


W:O:A Metalmaster
30 Nov. 2007
Oahu, Hawaii
back in the day they were great... but since puritanical they aren't as great anymore...

but 5/6 years ago I've seen them live a couple of times, that was awesome

I know some others who like you prefer the older stuff and that's cool, for me I feel that their song writing and overall compositions have really matured into fantastic music, though I do like their older stuff also, I just prefer the newer stuff over the old.