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W:O:A Metalgod
19 März 2007
*point at her pink hair in her avatar* they're artificial... and just funny...:p i'm not a princess 'pink is so cute'!!!
dann habt ihr ja was vor ^^ aber früh angefangen, wie ich sehe
nicht so früh.... rechne mal nach, wir sind weit zurück....
I once had pink hair. It was a mistake.

i felt very silly.

me too. But I didn't feel silly. It brought me to really nice times in my life :D


W:O:A Metalgod
29 Dez. 2007
I'm just a spambot, I don't care about what the forum is about. Wanna buy my new Nike shoes? Only 200 Dollards and you get an abonemment next to it that you never asked for and that will cost you 50 bugs a week! BUYBUYBUY

you forgot the random links to porn pages about... well. :rolleyes:

I still don't want you to. Actually I am trying to make others tell me if I was right about that :p

you never catch me in a dress :p

how's that? :p