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Franzi K.

W:O:A Metalhead
28 Okt. 2008
Rheinland-Pfalz (Germany)
heydiho! so what is it about in here? ^^ i dont get it :D but you were right to switch the conversation away from the thread "questionary" .. but is english or german spoken in here now? ^^

hey the poodle is cool ^^ "nichts gegen den pudel des todes!"


W:O:A Metalgod
19 März 2007
I don't think most girls in metal like pink, come to think of it :p
though I actually don't mind it...
I got these epic pink fuzzy socks for Christmas, they're pure awesomeness :D:p

well fuzzy pink socks are plain awesome, yea. So are fuzzy pink poodles :D Basicly everything that is pink for fun. I'm just not into princess 'pink is so cute' pink


W:O:A Metalgod
19 März 2007
heydiho! so what is it about in here? ^^ i dont get it :D but you were right to switch the conversation away from the thread "questionary" .. but is english or german spoken in here now? ^^

hey the poodle is cool ^^ "nichts gegen den pudel des todes!"

it's english in here or anything else that you find a partner to. Zum Beispiel Deutsch mit mir^^

this is basicly a conversation about anything and spam thread. We try to do 250 thousand posts until Wacken 2009. We are at like 60 thousand now or something so we can use your help :D