W:O:A Metalmaster
good idea, damage your brain so it won't work anymore
good idea, damage your brain so it won't work anymore
No need to disclaim...while you were using those online translators and stuff, you were making yourself think about things, and guaranteed, if you look through that thread that Q posted, you'll see somethings you remember.
Just got off the phone trying to convince my friend to go on a hike...lazyass!!
Beer and video games help too =P
both of which I don't bother with
though I'll admit I've been playing the new Guitar Hero lately
i've been playing fifa 2009
*has been playing Rock Band as welll..the drums are fun*
Is it cool? Ive never really liked sports games.
I've just been doing it sooo I can beat the game on Expert and get it out of the way
sooo that way, afterwards I can play through like Metallica and Dream Theater when I want to
it's nice... i like soccer games!
better to actually play soccer
I've just been doing it sooo I can beat the game on Expert and get it out of the way
sooo that way, afterwards I can play through like Metallica and Dream Theater when I want to
if i know to play i would... since i don't... i just let how knows to do it for me i like to be the manager more