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W:O:A Metalgod
29 Dez. 2007
it's (the correct form of the) conjunctive.

wenn der Post noch jung ist, korrigiere ich ihn; aber im Moment(*) lese ich hier eher unregelmäßig weil ich anderes zu tun hab.

(*) im Moment := die Zeit in der ich in Karlsruhe bin und da noch kein INet habe.

Du willst den Post von Kris verbessern? Oder hab ich hier etwas falsches verstanden.
Kris ist Englischsprachig. Sie wird bestimmt wissen ob's "it was" oder "it were" ist.

well I'm not perfect :rolleyes::p
and sometimes how I speak/write is influenced by cultural slang or my own personal 'style'
though I'll look at it again if it's really that big of a deal :p


W:O:A Metalgod
29 Dez. 2007
if it were on the forum...

would it be 'if it had been/was on the forum'? Sounds weird to me to put 'it' together with 'were'...

well basically my using 'were' was referring to all the talking in German... which would be plural
and then 'it' would have to do with the conversation itself
sooo yea, putting those together isn't technically correct, but I write how I speak, sooo that's what came out :p