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W:O:A Metalmaster
18 Juni 2007
Marburg, Hessen

Its finally raining!! Really damn hard too! Probably gonna flood lol :( Cuz now after all the fires the hills are really flood-prone...we can never have 'nice' extreme weather...just extreme weather that destroys stuff.


W:O:A Metalhead
20 Mai 2008
K'he xor somewhere near Wacken
last lecture for today has finished...

time to check email and that stuff

random thought... is my sig right, or should the 'ich komme' be reversed?

like Q said, you did it right.
you only have to reverse noun and verb if you're putting a "Hauptsatz" (main clause) after a "Nebensatz" (?). there maybe some special cases, where you also have to reverse it, but i can't find one at the moment.


W:O:A Metalhead
20 Mai 2008
K'he xor somewhere near Wacken
yea, would be epic...
although I've never seen it personally, snow or not :p

i'm pretty sure i'll see it next summer...

and i forgot the questions in my previous post... but Q already explained:
Ich helfe dir! Wie immer! :)
you mixed up mich and mir.

Mal sehen ob ich es ein bisschen einfach erklären kann mit der Inversion. Für mich ist das nämlich ziemlich logisch, aber für Englisch- (und Französischsprachigen) aber ziemlich schwierig.

Bei einem Fragesatz der anfängt mit "wer", "wie", "wo", usw. gibt es IMMER Inversion. (soweit ich weiss, ohne Ausnahme)
In den MEISTEN Fällen macht man auch eine Inversion, aber man kann kurze Fragen auch OHNE Inversion machen, z.B. "Gehst du mit?" oder "Du gehtst mit?"

"ein bisschen einfach": dont know if that is correct, but it sounds wired, better: "...ob ich es einfach erklären kann..." or "ein bissschen einfacher".
"Du gehtst mit?" is not correct, but common

y, danke... ich denke, ich verstehe...
[ist das richtig? ^^ looks funny]
[und mache ich das richtig mit 'das'/'dass'^^? :D]

the "das" is required here (as a reference to "mit das/dass")

DAS ist richtig!! (und wieder mit "es")

In English:
If you connect 2 phrases you use "dass", unless you're pointing to a neutral word. (Das Mädchen, das ich gesehen habe)
If you can replace "das" by "es", you use "das".

the "es" is required here, but due to clear context it is often left away.
instead of trying to replace das(s) with "es", we learned to replace it with "welches" if we're unsure.


W:O:A Metalhead
20 Mai 2008
K'he xor somewhere near Wacken
so anyone has already the magic ticket to wacken 09? :D

I wanted to wait until i know when my exams will be, but it looks like waiting so long will be a problem...

now i'll wait for the free days around christmas/new years eve, because i can't make a transfer from my bank account from here (but it belongs to the same bank as the one i went to...)