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W:O:A Metalgod
19 März 2007
but at the same time a large amount of the black people at my school try to act "gangster", think it's cool to get in fights, etc :rolleyes:

stupid niggers who are afraid to show their faces, trying to act tough, and think they have the right to rob people coz they are to stupid to finish school and get a job

they think: I am black, I will not get a job, so why apply? What do I need school for if I am not gonna get a job anyway. So I just buy a big gun and rob people

yea, same about white people, isn't it?

e.g. germans: some that come from antisocial families think, they don't have a chance for anything anyways, because they don't know anything else from their parents. Then they blame the government and the foreigners, that "steel their jobs" and become Nazis


W:O:A Metalgod
22 Juni 2005
Almere, Holland
yea, same about white people, isn't it?

e.g. germans: some that come from antisocial families think, they don't have a chance for anything anyways, because they don't know anything else from their parents. Then they blame the government and the foreigners, that "steel their jobs" and become Nazis

yeah... stupid people...

thank god I'm not one of them (right?) :p


Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
yea, same about white people, isn't it?

e.g. germans: some that come from antisocial families think, they don't have a chance for anything anyways, because they don't know anything else from their parents. Then they blame the government and the foreigners, that "steel their jobs" and become Nazis

The "Flamminganten" here. Those who (blindly) follow Filip Dewinter and his "Vlaams Blok". (Flemish Block)
Even if the party itself may have changed name into "Vlaams Belang" (Flemish Interest), the ideas are still the same.
And worse, also against THEIR OWN FELLOW COUNTRY(WO)MEN!!! :mad:
The French speaking in this case.