W:O:A Metalmaster
gnoff schrieb:and we're gonna have to see if me and Malin can find any time to pop over the sea your way as well
Yep its all good
We make a great time of spammers eh gnoffy?
gnoff schrieb:and we're gonna have to see if me and Malin can find any time to pop over the sea your way as well
Carpathian_Wolf schrieb:Yep its all good
We make a great time of spammers eh gnoffy?
Carpathian_Wolf schrieb:TOMMOROW IS THURSDAY!
The 4t h day of th4e ze week AND NO TALKING IN CLASS!
Pink rabbits and green rabbits = grilled
Carpathian_Wolf schrieb:I dunno you tell me
Carpathian_Wolf schrieb:Beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeer
Carpathian_Wolf schrieb:NO I AM TALKING TO MR WOLF!!!!!