gnoff schrieb:In two weeks I'll turn 31
At this hour in two weeks we'll be at a guided tour of Pivovarsky Dum, followed by lunch.
Then at 17 we'll have a guided tour of Novomestsky Pivovar, followed by dinner, a 10 kg roast piglet
MetalCommando schrieb:i'm turning 31 at the end of june.
In 29 days I turn 31. No shitMetalCommando schrieb:in one month and 18 days i turn 31
MetalCommando schrieb:i am hungry
pills and orange juice for me
Huldran schrieb:In 29 days I turn 31. No shit
Oh and BTW, hello
gnoff schrieb:I'll make it before you
I can tell you how it feels getting out of bed on birthday morning
dirty mind.... a joy forevergnoff schrieb:ah, that shower thing again