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Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
Trein NAAR Dong is gereserveerd. Aankomst in Duisburg Hbf om 13.03u. op spoor 12 (onder voorbehoud van vertraging etc) op 14/07/2011!

Bij deze weet je 't.
De terugreis op zondag doe ik zondag.


W:O:A Metalgod
19 März 2007
As long as you don't loose your German... ;)
Actually I do. Even more than I lose English. I've kinda been in a lingual crisis for a while...
I just don't actually speak it that often anymore, since I don't meet many non dutch speakers here in Almere.
In the karoesel in Hilversum there were always lots of international people, so I "had" top speak it on a regular basis.
For me it's just that Spanish replaced things. Vocab but mostly the way of speaking and thinking. I always notice myself building English sentences with Spanish grammar or using expressions that are "made German" from Spanish and English
BTW. Hoe is het met jouw NEDERLANDS? Ken je het nog? (neugierig is)
Het is moeilijk. Ik kan het nog wel verstaan, maar ik kan zelfs geen zinnen bouwen