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W:O:A Metalmaster
12 Juli 2010
near Brisbane, Australia
Left work early and managed to avoid any flash flooding. CBD's been evacuated, many of my friends are in high risk areas and the prediction is the floods could be worse than those of 1974...the one we had BEFORE Wivenhoe dam was built...

I'm fine thanks for asking :)


Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
hello, friends. heavy new year. :o *wink* :D
Frohes Neues auch! :)
Left work early and managed to avoid any flash flooding. CBD's been evacuated, many of my friends are in high risk areas and the prediction is the floods could be worse than those of 1974...the one we had BEFORE Wivenhoe dam was built...

I'm fine thanks for asking :)

I just heard Brisbane is in danger now too.


W:O:A Metalhead
1 Okt. 2010
Melbourne, Australia
Left work early and managed to avoid any flash flooding. CBD's been evacuated, many of my friends are in high risk areas and the prediction is the floods could be worse than those of 1974...the one we had BEFORE Wivenhoe dam was built...

I'm fine thanks for asking :)

i was just watching it on the news! its fuuuucked! the weather is so screwed up at the moment :(

good to hear ya ok :)