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gee jay

W:O:A Metalmaster
11 März 2008
White Plains, New York
none taken.
it's not really our fault we were born later, though :rolleyes:

a sort of amusing story. At the Gigantour with Arch Enemy, I bought the dvd to get signed. While waiting in line , I hear this voice. I turn around and it's a little kid. I ask him how old he is . He answers 12. He was a friend who was 13 -14. I was blown away..12 ?
So as we get up to the table where the band is, the kid is still behind me , Micheal Amott asks him "how long have you like/listened to heavy metal.
Response ? " all my life ".
I was still laughing as I walked down the hall.


W:O:A Metalgod
29 Dez. 2007
a sort of amusing story. At the Gigantour with Arch Enemy, I bought the dvd to get signed. While waiting in line , I hear this voice. I turn around and it's a little kid. I ask him how old he is . He answers 12. He was a friend who was 13 -14. I was blown away..12 ?
So as we get up to the table where the band is, the kid is still behind me , Micheal Amott asks him "how long have you like/listened to heavy metal.
Response ? " all my life ".
I was still laughing as I walked down the hall.
