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gee jay

W:O:A Metalmaster
11 März 2008
White Plains, New York
Don't get me wrong, I hate that shit, but it was a starting point for some younger Metalheads that I know. Like my nephew for instance, who now loves Maiden. Sabbath, Slayer etc.

I guess so. These are the kids who will call you old man, while they're wearing a Slayer "reign in blood " tee. Not caring of course that I saw that tour before they were BORN !!!

bitter did you say ??? lol


W:O:A Metalmaster
30 Nov. 2007
Oahu, Hawaii
I guess so. These are the kids who will call you old man, while they're wearing a Slayer "reign in blood " tee. Not caring of course that I saw that tour before they were BORN !!!

bitter did you say ??? lol

Oh yeah I hear ya, I was listening to those albums when they were new releases, where as many younger metalheads (no offense kris) were not even born when that stuff came out. I remember when the NWOBHM was a new thing.