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W:O:A Metalmaster
4 Feb. 2003
I told you so already the first time when it happend. It definatly is discrimination!


im gonna whip them with my hair next time
or im gonna invite all my friends who all have long hair
and destroy the place

last time, we all were sitting in the bar, we stacked the glasses up
and "accidentally" dropped 8 glasses, cos the waiter was fuckin annoying

and another time, my friend just smashed glasses...and ate it :D


W:O:A Metalgod
29 Dez. 2007

im gonna whip them with my hair next time
or im gonna invite all my friends who all have long hair
and destroy the place

last time, we all were sitting in the bar, we stacked the glasses up
and "accidentally" dropped 8 glasses, cos the waiter was fuckin annoying

and another time, my friend just smashed glasses...and ate it :D

there you go. :D