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W:O:A Metalgod
29 Dez. 2007
i am very deadly fuckin serious

i have been rejected for my hair
not my qualities
not for my CV/resumé
not what i can fuckin do

i have sat on my hair, cleaned the dirtiest bit of the bar.
but they just decide, no your hair is too long, FUCK OFF.

not fuckin fair for a guy with long hair

it's not... you're right.
people are idiots, and unfortunately there's nothing we can do about it. :(:mad:


W:O:A Metalgod
19 März 2007
i am very deadly fuckin serious

i have been rejected for my hair
not my qualities
not for my CV/resumé
not what i can fuckin do

i have sat on my hair, cleaned the dirtiest bit of the bar.
but they just decide, no your hair is too long, FUCK OFF.

not fuckin fair for a guy with long hair
don't worry, I am fully at your side and I actually meant it when I said it's the right attitude. Don't cut your hair! Don't let them limit you on something like that. This is you, find someone who accepts it
im very fuckin frustrated, sipy..
I noticed that *hugs*