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W:O:A Metalgod
22 Juni 2005
Almere, Holland
And now, I have to get tested!
Not because of any symptoms, but because my mother isn't being well! And I have to see her! But I cannot go, unless I have a negative PCR test!

Bedankt Rutte! Je kunt nog geen land besturen zonder te liegen, maar kinderen van hun ouders wegtrekken, GEEN probleem!


Fingers crossed!
Hope your mom will be ok.


Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
I hope so too! We'll see what doc says, when he's here. Got one sick at home.

My mom has to move. She's getting a service flat, if all goes well. But I know more next Sunday! (If my test is negative)
And doc says I have to be tested for covid-19!

Well, we'll see what that'll bring me!

So far, I've "escaped" this procedure over and over again! In January, it was refused, due to obvious reasons! (4 sick, 2 proven covid), but now it is my turn!
30 Sep. 2016
North Bay Area, California
Things are starting to open up here in the Bay Area. By
no means have I been in a hurry to jump into a crowd
just yet. In the process of getting vaccinated, I was
aiming for the J&J but they suspended that after there
was concern about side effects. They started back up
with the J&J about a week ago, but I already got the
first dose of Pfizer by then. I go back for the second
jab in about two weeks. First dose caused a tightness
in my arm for about ten minutes before going away.
Then about four hours after I got very tired. About
two hours after that, I was asleep. Ended up being an
11 hour nap.

Been gradually piecing together a new computer, damn
graphics card shortage stopped that build in it's tracks.
Not about to pay $2K to some scalper scumbag for a
$400 graphics card. At the moment, only cards you
can buy for the retail price are over five years old now.
I've got a burner card on the way that I barely paid
$110 for so I can finish this build. Then swap that
out for a 3070 card, when I can buy one for retail two
years from now, lol.

- Sepulchral Voice