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W:O:A Metalhead
26 Sep. 2006
Kijk, dat probleem met vrienden die nog steeds gaan, tja... deels ook, maar dan kijk ik naar wat 't allemaal kost..
Kaartje: €160 (incl. vvk etc.)
Trein: €60 (vermits ik vroeg boek, anders loopt 't op tot €200 ENKELE REIS :eek: )
Bus: €10 (h/t)
Vreten/zuipen, T-shirt etc...

En dan denk ik:"Nee, niet waard".

Begrijpelijk, maar ik vind het allemaal nog wel leuk :D


Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
Mens uit Utrecht gezocht!!!

During the Mono Inc. gig on Thursday I met a lovely red haired girl, from Utrecht I guess.

She wore jeans and a grey or pale shirt. I told her that I was not really into Gothic Rock/Metal but that I pretty much liked that Mono Inc. gig (I didn't know the band before).

If I remember rightly it was her first WOA. We talked for quite a while (e.g. about Paradise Lost, Sisters of Mercy, Oomph). At one point I told her how disappointed I was about the course which Sepultura took since "Arise". In that case, she said I, needed to meet one of her friends.

She introduced me to him and he was a really nice guy. He is sightless and he wore a cap unless I am mistaken. We totally agreed about Sepultura and many other bands (Metallica e.g.) and how we used to love the songs from their early days. I recommended to him UDO's "Animal House" as the one album which brought me into metal back in '87.

We were also talking about football and he was really surprised about me knowing NAC Breda ;)

There was also a blonde girl who always ordered Smirnof Mojito when we others drank Whiskey with Coke.

Later another guy whom they we're expecting to meet there, joined us.

We had good fun during the rest of that evening especially during the Metal Karaoke.

So in spite of talking a lot, I unfortunately never asked for names :confused:

Probably you remember me for my football tattoo, my Bathory-Shirt, my "Live undead" back patch or my screaming for Slayer ;-)

I'd really love to get in touch with anybody here who thinks he knows that girl or any of her friends...

Kan er iemand deze arme jongen helpen?


5 Aug. 2012
Maybe I'm mixing something up with their home town. But I'm pretty sure that the blind guy told me that in spite of living in or near Utrecht he is actually a NAC Breda supporter.

Probably they are not from Utrecht directly but from the greater Utrecht or Breda area.

Anyway, there were not that many sightless or visually handicaped in Wacken, I guess.

I'm pretty sure someone around here can give a hint. Still hoping for a mircale :)


W:O:A Metalgod
22 Juni 2005
Almere, Holland
Maybe I'm mixing something up with their home town. But I'm pretty sure that the blind guy told me that in spite of living in or near Utrecht he is actually a NAC Breda supporter.

Probably they are not from Utrecht directly but from the greater Utrecht or Breda area.

Anyway, there were not that many sightless or visually handicaped in Wacken, I guess.

I'm pretty sure someone around here can give a hint. Still hoping for a mircale :)

usually the only one that I see is Quark. he used to live in Utrecht some years ago... :D :p


5 Aug. 2012
Still searching the Dutch...

I need to extend my search, I guess ;)

Let's forget about Utrecht for a while and search for the Dutch in general at first :D

Are there any Dutch people around here who either have been in the Bullhead City Tent themselves between 11.30 pm (end of Mono Inc. concert) and 3 am (end of Metal Karaoke) in the night of Thursday August 2nd on Friday August 3rd, or does anyone know Dutch people that have been there ?

I'd really appreciate your help here ;)

I could kick myself for missing the opportunity to stay in touch with some interresting people by not asking for names or phone numbers...Bloody Hell! :mad:


Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
Maybe I'm mixing something up with their home town. But I'm pretty sure that the blind guy told me that in spite of living in or near Utrecht he is actually a NAC Breda supporter.

Probably they are not from Utrecht directly but from the greater Utrecht or Breda area.

Anyway, there were not that many sightless or visually handicaped in Wacken, I guess.

I'm pretty sure someone around here can give a hint. Still hoping for a mircale :)
Well, I wish you good luck.
usually the only one that I see is Quark. he used to live in Utrecht some years ago... :D :p

Ik heb alleen niks met Breda. Wel met Best. Maar da's aan de andere kant van Brabant. Bovendien is ik te oud. :p:D
Zuletzt bearbeitet:


W:O:A Metalgod
22 Juni 2005
Almere, Holland
I need to extend my search, I guess ;)

Let's forget about Utrecht for a while and search for the Dutch in general at first :D

Are there any Dutch people around here who either have been in the Bullhead City Tent themselves between 11.30 pm (end of Mono Inc. concert) and 3 am (end of Metal Karaoke) in the night of Thursday August 2nd on Friday August 3rd, or does anyone know Dutch people that have been there ?

I'd really appreciate your help here ;)

I could kick myself for missing the opportunity to stay in touch with some interresting people by not asking for names or phone numbers...Bloody Hell! :mad:

first question is, are there any dutch around that have been at wacken this year? :p


5 Aug. 2012
Light at the end of the tunnel ?

It seems that finally I got a hint! But I should rather not be too euphoric until I have foolproof confirmation ;)

Just wanted you to know...