25k thread LOGO! (for shirts)

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W:O:A Metalhead
3 Mai 2007
New Zealand
Only if you're over 100 posts, which happened to be the case.


Wer hat geschrieben? (Who posted?)
Beiträge: 25.000 (Posts: 25,000)
Benutzername Beiträge (User Name Posts)
  1. Sipyloidea 4.879
  2. agresionpower 3.564
  3. Lady_Wolf 3.368
  4. elhuesos 2.751
  5. MetalViking 1.938
  6. mental_mercury 1.826
  7. Ærnesto 1.514
  8. Falconius 1.325
  9. Quark 1.284
  10. cyber999 1.239
  11. bumpzilla 274
  12. gnoff 234
  13. 808Metal 202
  14. Sevren 108

PS. Nr. 15 was the 1st under 100.

Very lucky 108 it was. Have to do better for the 50k.


W:O:A Metalgod
19 März 2007
ok there! Informed myself about the costs today.
The first print (list on the back) will be 8.20 Euros
If we want a second print (slogan in the front or such) it's +4.60 Euros
The individual name will be 2 Euros extra (not that much!)

total: 10.20 without slogan or 14.60 with some


Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
ok there! Informed myself about the costs today.
The first print (list on the back) will be 8.20 Euros
If we want a second print (slogan in the front or such) it's +4.60 Euros
The individual name will be 2 Euros extra (not that much!)

total: 10.20 without slogan or 14.60 with some

Ça va!

I'm rather surprised that individual shirts are that cheap.

Well, in that case....


W:O:A Metalgod
19 März 2007

Well, we still have to decide if there shall be any logo or slogan in the front (which would make it 4 Euros more exspensive) or if it's just gonna be list in the back and name in the front... I can't let them print the shirts before we decided...


W:O:A Metalgod
19 März 2007
Asking once more: It's only 98 more days until Wacken and I have lots of stuff to do. Would be nice if you could present some ideas by now, so I don't have to worry about the shirts very much longer and can give them to print.

If you don't present anything, I'd go for printing the shirts without slogan/motives. Just list on the back and name in the front.

And I have one more thing I want to know. xforeverxmetalx has only 30 posts in the 25k thread, because she joined in very late. Bur our toll is 100 posts, to be on the shirt/get a shirt. Since she's become one of the biggest spammers in 50k afterwards I'd propose to give her a shirt as honorary member. Same for Smoo. Any doubts?
Zuletzt bearbeitet:


Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
Asking once more: It's only 98 more days until Wacken and I have lots of stuff to do. Would be nice if you could present some ideas by now, so I don't have to worry about the shirts very much longer and can give them to print.

If you don't present anything, I'd go for printing the shirts without slogan/motives. Just list on the back and name in the front.

And I have one more thing I want to know. xforeverxmetalx has only 30 posts in the 25k thread, because she joined in very late. Bur our toll is 100 posts, to be on the shirt/get a shirt. Since she's become one of the biggest spammers in 50k afterwards I'd propose to give her a shirt as honorary member. Any doubts?

I'm not a designer, so I'll leave that up to you.

As I guess I'm the only one who'll respond to your question (but not sure of course), I agree with your idea for FeM. She was too late to join, and that is something we have to take into consideration.
But not on the list though! That's too strange. (although not really honest)


W:O:A Metalgod
19 März 2007
I'm not a designer, so I'll leave that up to you.

As I guess I'm the only one who'll respond to your question (but not sure of course), I agree with your idea for FeM. She was too late to join, and that is something we have to take into consideration.
But not on the list though! That's too strange. (although not really honest)

What do you mean by "not on the list"?