25k thread LOGO! (for shirts)

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Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
hey, I had some ideas with Sipy while we were talking
on the back, above, or below the list we can put this moto: "Spamming 'til the day I die!"

on the left sleeve, we can put the flag of each members country
on the right sleebe, we can put the Wacken skull

in the front, we can put the Wackenbeer label, above it we can put "Wacken 25K drunken spammers", and below: "2008"

what do you think?

The flag isn't a very good idea.
A) it makes more "individual shirts (thus more expensive)
B) in some countries it may be seen as nazi-symbols (depending on the the culture there)
C) I'd have to choose, and I don't want to. :D


Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
But yet another idea from my GENIOUS head.

Entschuldigung, aber mein Bier kocht schon mit 1 Sekunde, ich kann deswegen keine 30 Sekunden warten, bevor ich wieder ein Bier trinken kann.

Or in English

I'm sorry, but my beer boils at 1 second, therefore I cannot wait 30 seconds before I can drink a beer.

(as an alternative for the 30 seconds rule on the forum)


Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
Wer hat geschrieben? (who wrote?)
Beiträge: 25.000 (Postings: 25,000)
Benutzername Beiträge (Username Postings)
Sipyloidea 4.879
agresionpower 3.564
Lady_Wolf 3.368
elhuesos 2.751
MetalViking 1.938
mental_mercury 1.826
Ærnesto 1.514
Falconius 1.325
Quark 1.284
cyber999 1.239
bumpzilla 274
gnoff 234
808Metal 202
Sevren 108
Lionzz 96
martinsys 43
Mindfucked 36
wacknaz 33
xforeverxmetalx 28
Soul-Catcher 23
Demonfighter 23
LooseCannon 22
WhiskeyFist666 19
Sodomy&Lust 18
dittohead 16
Purge 13
Nemesiss 13
Huldran 13
N3m3sis 9
Gomez7253 7
bitchybunny 6
IronMan 5
Random_dude_667 5
Sam Przyborowski 5
fn_bloodmark 4
main_unit 4
VoiVoD 3
AlexXx 3
LordHax 3
Empror1 3
Corpsegrinder777 2
cyberwicklow 2
Carpathian_Wolf 2
Seelenschnitter 2
Coremümmel 2
Canuck 2
MikeD 2
der_spammer 1
MaNiAc E 1
Stoffel1337 1
gOsa 1
exact. 1
Shining 1
Wohlstandskind 1
Jakob vom Force 1
palemoonshadow 1
Grohot EXHUMUS 1
Roskwa 1
LEECH666 1
Angelos 1
Axman 1
StentoriaN 1
Thordis V. 1
Hellebore 1
Eng1ne 1
villeman 1
Zuletzt bearbeitet:


Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
Wer hat geschrieben? (who wrote?)
Beiträge: 25.000 (Postings: 25,000)
Benutzername Beiträge (Username Postings)
Sipyloidea 4.879
agresionpower 3.564
Lady_Wolf 3.368
elhuesos 2.751
MetalViking 1.938
mental_mercury 1.826
Ærnesto 1.514
Falconius 1.325
Quark 1.284
cyber999 1.239
bumpzilla 274
gnoff 234
808Metal 202
Sevren 108
Lionzz 96
martinsys 43
Mindfucked 36
wacknaz 33
xforeverxmetalx 28
Soul-Catcher 23
Demonfighter 23
LooseCannon 22
WhiskeyFist666 19
Sodomy&Lust 18
dittohead 16
Purge 13
Nemesiss 13
Huldran 13
N3m3sis 9
Gomez7253 7
bitchybunny 6
IronMan 5
Random_dude_667 5
Sam Przyborowski 5
fn_bloodmark 4
main_unit 4
VoiVoD 3
AlexXx 3
LordHax 3
Empror1 3
Corpsegrinder777 2
cyberwicklow 2
Carpathian_Wolf 2
Seelenschnitter 2
Coremümmel 2
Canuck 2
MikeD 2
der_spammer 1
MaNiAc E 1
Stoffel1337 1
gOsa 1
exact. 1
Shining 1
Wohlstandskind 1
Jakob vom Force 1
palemoonshadow 1
Grohot EXHUMUS 1
Roskwa 1
LEECH666 1
Angelos 1
Axman 1
StentoriaN 1
Thordis V. 1
Hellebore 1
Eng1ne 1
villeman 1

With the remark that der_spammer is blocked from the forum, and that LEX and LXE are the same person.


Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
I think it would be a lot cooler for the shirt if we only put on it people who have more than 100 posts in the thread.

Then this would be the list. (I only deleted Sevren but if he wishes to be added, he can let us know)

Wer hat geschrieben? (Who posted?)
Beiträge: 25.000 (Posts: 25,000)
Benutzername Beiträge (User Name Posts)
  1. Sipyloidea 4.879
  2. agresionpower 3.564
  3. Lady_Wolf 3.368
  4. elhuesos 2.751
  5. MetalViking 1.938
  6. mental_mercury 1.826
  7. Ærnesto 1.514
  8. Falconius 1.325
  9. Quark 1.284
  10. cyber999 1.239
  11. bumpzilla 274
  12. gnoff 234
  13. 808Metal 202


W:O:A Metalmaster
18 Juni 2007
Marburg, Hessen
Then this would be the list. (I only deleted Sevren but if he wishes to be added, he can let us know)

Wer hat geschrieben? (Who posted?)
Beiträge: 25.000 (Posts: 25,000)
Benutzername Beiträge (User Name Posts)
  1. Sipyloidea 4.879
  2. agresionpower 3.564
  3. Lady_Wolf 3.368
  4. elhuesos 2.751
  5. MetalViking 1.938
  6. mental_mercury 1.826
  7. Ærnesto 1.514
  8. Falconius 1.325
  9. Quark 1.284
  10. cyber999 1.239
  11. bumpzilla 274
  12. gnoff 234
  13. 808Metal 202

Yeah, I mean those were the people who did the real spamming. Plus now our names get to be bigger!


W:O:A Metalhead
3 Mai 2007
New Zealand
Then this would be the list. (I only deleted Sevren but if he wishes to be added, he can let us know)

Wer hat geschrieben? (Who posted?)
Beiträge: 25.000 (Posts: 25,000)
Benutzername Beiträge (User Name Posts)
  1. Sipyloidea 4.879
  2. agresionpower 3.564
  3. Lady_Wolf 3.368
  4. elhuesos 2.751
  5. MetalViking 1.938
  6. mental_mercury 1.826
  7. Ærnesto 1.514
  8. Falconius 1.325
  9. Quark 1.284
  10. cyber999 1.239
  11. bumpzilla 274
  12. gnoff 234
  13. 808Metal 202

That's cold of course I will want one. If it ever gets of the ground count me in


Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
Can't have 13 in the list that is unlucky

Only if you're over 100 posts, which happened to be the case.


Wer hat geschrieben? (Who posted?)
Beiträge: 25.000 (Posts: 25,000)
Benutzername Beiträge (User Name Posts)
  1. Sipyloidea 4.879
  2. agresionpower 3.564
  3. Lady_Wolf 3.368
  4. elhuesos 2.751
  5. MetalViking 1.938
  6. mental_mercury 1.826
  7. Ærnesto 1.514
  8. Falconius 1.325
  9. Quark 1.284
  10. cyber999 1.239
  11. bumpzilla 274
  12. gnoff 234
  13. 808Metal 202
  14. Sevren 108

PS. Nr. 15 was the 1st under 100.