Some quesions about Wacken Open Air 07

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19 Jan. 2007
hahaha really? well i guess i should've thought to expect something like naked chicks walking around considering there was nude models in frankfurts daily newspaper! haha. I brought a news papaer back home for my Law teacher who is german and i was so embaressed because of how much nudity was in it hahaha.

I hope I dont find any naked people chillin' in my tent when i come back to pass out from drinking hahahaha.


W:O:A Metalhead
13 Mai 2006
Chester, UK
hahaha really? well i guess i should've thought to expect something like naked chicks walking around considering there was nude models in frankfurts daily newspaper! haha. I brought a news papaer back home for my Law teacher who is german and i was so embaressed because of how much nudity was in it hahaha.

I hope I dont find any naked people chillin' in my tent when i come back to pass out from drinking hahahaha.

Unless it's two hot chicks and you can join in. :D


Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
So it seems like a number of us have to prepare for this journey extensively. Any other recommendations besides a good tent, warm clothing and all that has been already mentioned?

Depend on where you travel from.

If a (long) flight is needed, you definetely need more (time) to prepare. If you just have to take a train/bus/car it is much easier to prepare all later.


W:O:A Metalhead
21 Dez. 2006
So it seems like a number of us have to prepare for this journey extensively. Any other recommendations besides a good tent, warm clothing and all that has been already mentioned?

Duct tape and lots of it. Last year this kept my tent together, helped make a marquee from a shredded tent, and put together weapons for the final morning.

Also bin liners are a good idea, they're waterproof if it rains (and also a wonderful krieg colour, sure to match your outfit) and good for putting crap in otherwise.
Depend on where you travel from.

If a (long) flight is needed, you definetely need more (time) to prepare. If you just have to take a train/bus/car it is much easier to prepare all later.

6 months to prepare, meaning I should get started now, so that when I DO come to wacken I'll have a backpack the size of a mountain :D

Duct tape and lots of it. Last year this kept my tent together, helped make a marquee from a shredded tent, and put together weapons for the final morning.

Also bin liners are a good idea, they're waterproof if it rains (and also a wonderful krieg colour, sure to match your outfit) and good for putting crap in otherwise.

that's pretty useful..I'd never think bin liners would have much use at a metal festival, except you could probably use them as flags and play ctf at wacken :cool:

haha, thanks guys