question about the hotels near Wacken

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I was looking at all the hotels listed that are in somewhat near towns to Wacken. How far are most of them away? How much of a taxi cost is it both ways? Are there any websites for these hotels to reserve rooms rather than just using a phone number as I live in the United states and that is one heck of a long distance call.

This is obviously my first trip to Wacken and I look forward to saying hello to metalheads from all over!! :cool:


W:O:A Metalhead
1 März 2004
Holon, Israel
Website besuchen
you shouldn't worry about hotels. during the festival, everybody lives in tents on the camping ground. you won't have time to go back to your hotel every day, and more than that, you will not want to do that.

and after the fest, there are plenty of places to stay at in Hamburg.


W:O:A Metalmaster
4 Feb. 2003
tattooedsean777 schrieb:
I was looking at all the hotels listed that are in somewhat near towns to Wacken. How far are most of them away? How much of a taxi cost is it both ways? Are there any websites for these hotels to reserve rooms rather than just using a phone number as I live in the United states and that is one heck of a long distance call.

This is obviously my first trip to Wacken and I look forward to saying hello to metalheads from all over!! :cool:


W:O:A Metalmaster
29 Mai 2002
Washington D.C., USA
Sean - about the only hotel rooms you're gonna score at this point are about a 50 min drive to the south in/around Hamburg. And when you're partying 'til 4/5 am and the bands start up again at 11 the next morning, what you don't need is to pay a cabbie to cut out 2 hours of potential recoup time.

From one American to another, I urge you - head over to REI and get yourself a damn tent, 'cause camping is the way to go! I made the mistake of getting a hotel room the first year I went (2002), and I learned what a mistake that was. About all it was good for was a hot shower. Half the fun of Wacken starts when the bands finish - partying with people from the world over, screaming your favorite metal songs at the top of your lungs, and getting into all sorts of mischief and mayhem you'll spend the rest of the year adamantly denying but fondly remembering. :)