Is metal dying???

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W:O:A Metalhead
18 Okt. 2002
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I think we have to show the way to the kids of today. Listening to "System of a Down" is not so bad, if you know the roots of that kind of music... wich are nothing but glorious Heavy Metal :D
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W:O:A Metalhead
2 März 2002
Oslo / NOrWAY
I say it the other way.. if we really want metal to go on despise all the shit you get on the radio etc.. the only way is to have a hell of a lot of children. And make sure that they know what's good music when they hear it. When my daughter was 2 years old she knew a lot about metal and punk. To my great pleasure and to her mother's great sorrow. Specially when she was 2,5 years and told her mum to turn of the boring music on the radio and set on a lp with either Ozzy or Sepultura. *smiles* Strangely enough her mum claimed that i had bad influence over her.
To bad i have no idea what she's like now. Since it's almost 11,5 years since i've seen her. *sighs*
The thing is that if we let the children grow up with the radio\tv(whate the hell that is), they'll end up as the brainless idiots that listen to (c)rap and hip-hop. Is that really a world that we want to grow old in? I'd be pissing angry if i ended up at a home for old people where they plaplay that cind of shit. *will probably be thrown out for being drunk and disordely anyway* :)


W:O:A Metalhead
2 März 2002
Oslo / NOrWAY
Supercharger : Shit happens all the time.. I guess that's life.. *don't actually have to like it though* I just hoeps she's doing fine and gets well on with her life.. It's all i can do anyway..
The problem is that some women (like her mum) changes totally when they get kids. This one went from being a hard-core punk to something of a mix between a sofa-demokrat. or was it social-demoncrate? Hell, even i admit that i was far to young to get that resposnibility over me.. And yepps.. Metalgirls have more in their heads than so called normal girls. At least that's my experience with them.. :)

Deja-vue = I feel like shit and i've felt like this before.....
Reja-vue = I feel like shit and i got a feeling i'll feel like this at a later time too...



W:O:A Metalhead
2 März 2002
Oslo / NOrWAY
Well my mum is still scared of what the neighbours will think when i come with my "In Satan we trust" sweater.. And my dad *may Satan have mercy on him* was the other way. I actually had to search through his office to get back my Satanic Bible. he refused to give it back 'cause "he wasn't done with it yet." :)
I'm looking forward to see my mum's face when i finally get my ass o the UK and get the "ins Satan we trust" thing tattooed on my back. *laughs his evil laugh*
"Oh yeah mum. It's so hot. I think i'll take off my shirt..." Hmmm...
I think i got a sublimal wish for an early inheritance here, or just a hope about making the word a better place. Well at least for me. :)
Come to think of it. my mum's always benn "What will the neighbours say" type.. She'd probably be deathscared if i came home with one arm teared off and bleeding over the front yard.. *can hear her* "Oh my god? Blood all over the front yard? You're not coming inside until you've washed that away. What will the neighbours say if they comes home and see this mess??"

*sighs really deep* That was that bottle of tequila...
Shit i guess i'll fall over and hopefully hit my bed on the way...
if you hear a big bang, then i missed the bed...
Or... *grins* Nah.. i still got *sighs* vodka.. Ah well :))
Have a good evening anyway.. *ain't drunak might as think you are* SKÅÅÅÅÅL FOR FAEN


W:O:A Metalmaster
26 Juli 2002
Deventer, the Netherlands
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Last weekend I met a girl from Norway in Apeldoorn. She's an au pair here and she's big fan of Dimmu Borgir and she can drink like hell..she was drinking whiskey and Jagermeister non-stop..I couldn't believe my eyes..

She couldn't understand why I'm not into Dimmu Borgir :D


W:O:A Metalhead
2 März 2002
Oslo / NOrWAY
Supercharger : Well Norweigan girls have to be able to drin with the men so that's not that strange at all :)) As for Dimmu borgir?
Not all they have made is that bad.. *still listens to FOR ALL TID*


W:O:A Metalmaster
5 Sep. 2002
Czech Republic
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I really hate my mom sometimes,she had bruises from me cause I was holding her hands when she wanted to hit me.She hates everything on me and allways asks me if I am normal :D So as so,I will made myself a scar tattoo on my hand and she won't stop me.


W:O:A Metalmaster
5 Sep. 2002
Czech Republic
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Death is best,they are playing right from the floor as we say :D And of course you can on it rage as hell jump into crowd and many more.It is only musicstyle that never will be soft for me(maybe :).Death metal=my bloodgroup ;)