IMPORTANT-Credit cards problems/Metaltix?

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W:O:A Metalhead
11 Dez. 2008
NJ "garbage state"
I checked & my account is safe for now.The thing is that I can't get to my bank till Wed.(got shit to do tomorrow) & this is gonna eat at me till I can find out if my account is safe.

if I find out if this asshole is on the east coast of the US,he will not be on this side of the earth for long.YOU DON'T FUCK WITH MY FRIENDS OR MY MONEY!

hes probably from Romania :p or Nigeria.


W:O:A Metalhead
11 Dez. 2008
NJ "garbage state"
i regret saying this but i guess im glad i didnt get to buy a ticket for this year however i have bought my 2009 ticket through metaltix. did everyone get hacked or just some people? im confused.

someone inside has to be selling info (cc numbers) for this to happen i think. :mad:


W:O:A Metalmaster
15 Mai 2007
Wald von Dunwyn
Here an official answer:

oha - hat ja lange gedauert, bis sich da mal was tut - aber ich lag dann doch richtig -

Zitat Metaltix:
 Lieber Kunde,

mit diesem Schreiben möchten wir Sie auf einen ebenso bedauerlichen wie
wichtigen Vorfall aufmerksam machen.

Wir haben feststellen müssen, dass ein von uns genutzter Server Gegenstand
eines offenbar gezielten und inzwischen abgestellten Angriffs zur Ausspähung
von Daten geworden ist. Wir können nicht ausschließen, dass Sie zu einer
begrenzten Anzahl unserer Kunden gehören, deren für die Zahlungsabwicklung
übermittelten Kreditkartendaten gestohlen worden sind, und dass diese Daten
missbräuchlich verwendet worden sind bzw. verwendet werden sollen.

Bitten setzen Sie sich in Ihrem Interesse unverzüglich mit Ihrer ausgebenden
Kreditkartenstelle (Bank / Kreditkartenanbieter) in Verbindung. Prüfen Sie
auch Ihre Zahlungsverkehrsbelege (Kreditkartenabrechnung, Kontoauszüge)
besonders sorgfältig.

Wir haben in diesem Fall Strafanzeige erstattet.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Ihr Metaltix-Team


You're right.

(A) Server(s) was/were hacked.


W:O:A Metalhead
3 März 2008
Melbourne, Australia
i regret saying this but i guess im glad i didnt get to buy a ticket for this year however i have bought my 2009 ticket through metaltix. did everyone get hacked or just some people? im confused.

someone inside has to be selling info (cc numbers) for this to happen i think. :mad:

I haven't bought a ticket for this year yet. Bought one early last year for 2009 and I was hacked 2 days ago. After seeing this thread i don't believe its a coincidence.
with me i got a $60 (Australian) charge from eat dot co dot uk last weekend then on monday coach dot com did a $1.50 charge. when that worked they did $850 every 20 minutes. The second of these was picked up and stopped.

Thankfully the bank have credited me with the outstanding amount pending the investigation. thanks for the info all. I'll pass it on to bank investigators. My mate who came over with me has been frauded too. He also bought tickets for this year.

Just got an email from Metaltix warning me about it so they are onto it.


18 März 2010
Today my credit card was attempted to be charged wit 698€ to buy airplane tickets at

I have a special credit card for online shopping and the only thing I bought in the last 6 months was: My wacken tickets at Metaltix

My money hasn't been stolen because I have a double security pin via mobile SMS. But the attempt was made.

My best friend had less luck. He also bought 2 tickets for wacken at Metalix and more than 500€ have been withdrawn from he's bank account last weekend to buy airplane tickets at

Either Metalitix is victim of credit card hackers and their website is insecure, or they have a internal employee selling client card numbers.

I have contacted Metaltix this afternoon to explain what has happend to my friend and myself and this time I'm still waiting for a reply from thim (will followup as soon as I can).


Follow up:

I got the following answer from Metaltix:

Dear Mrs. Murillo,

Thanks for the warning. Below you can see the mail which goes out to the possible injured person.

Dear Customer,

With this letter we draw your attention to an important incident.

We had to observe one of our servers having become subject of targeted attack that apparently has been launched for spying customers’ data. This attack has been stopped now. However, we can not exclude, that you are part of a limited number of customers, whose credit card details provided for payment processing have been stolen and misused or are intended to be misused.

Please contact without delay the issuing credit agency (bank or credit card provider) and also check your payment records (credit card statement / bank statement) with particular care.

We have lodged a criminal complaint to the public prosecutor about this incident.



And right after that email they send out an official notice in English and German to their official mailing list:

Dear Customer,

With this letter we draw your attention to an important incident.

We had to observe one of our servers having become subject of targeted
attack that apparently has been launched for spying customers’ data. This
attack has been stopped now. However, we can not exclude, that you are part
of a limited number of customers, whose credit card details provided for
payment processing have been stolen and misused or are intended to be

Please contact without delay the issuing credit agency (bank or credit card
provider) and also check your payment records (credit card statement / bank
statement) with particular care.

We have lodged a criminal complaint to the public prosecutor about this



Well it seems like they are on it 100%. Thanks to everybody.


W:O:A Metalhead
3 März 2008
Melbourne, Australia
Think everyone's just realising where it must have come from. My mate was hacked last week, me only 2 days ago. Was only last couple of days it became obvious it was all Wacken people who have been hit. This thread and the metal Tix email will definitely help my case with the bank though.


W:O:A Metalhead
11 Dez. 2008
NJ "garbage state"
I bought my ticket back in 08 for 09 but i called the bank and nothing was charged but thats probably cause i didnt buy a ticket for this year. i just closed my CC anyway.. now i have to go and get a new one.. what BS though!

Shame on Metaltix for letting this shit happen. With this amount of accounts being frauded, It goes beyond just a "hack".

I will not buy a anything from you again! Unsecure assholes!

Solskinn Av Natten

W:O:A Metalhead
28 März 2008
Kitchener, Ontario, Canada

I was making a purchase in Toronto 2 days ago when the salespeople notified me that my credit card had been declined. After a half hour on the phone with Visa fraud dept., I was told that someone had attempted to charge $700+ to MY card from a gas station in the UK!

Unbelievable that MetalTix could let this happen! I just received their "apology" email today :mad:

I will never order from them again - not only am I still waiting for my WOA ticket (though I bought a "backup ticket" afterwards from Nuclear Blast), but they caused this huge credit security issue for so many people.

Here's hoping they track these assholes down and prosecute them to the fullest extent of the law :mad:

Solskinn Av Natten

W:O:A Metalhead
28 März 2008
Kitchener, Ontario, Canada
I checked & my account is safe for now.The thing is that I can't get to my bank till Wed.(got shit to do tomorrow) & this is gonna eat at me till I can find out if my account is safe.

if I find out if this asshole is on the east coast of the US,he will not be on this side of the earth for long.YOU DON'T FUCK WITH MY FRIENDS OR MY MONEY!

A suggestion: if you can use a phone, call the number on the back of your credit card. It should be a (free) 1-800- number; then you don't have to take the time to go into a bank, etc. They'll ask you to identify yourself by asking pertinent personal questions over the phone. That's what I did.