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W:O:A Metalmaster
4 Feb. 2003
Originally posted by Shadowtear
I´ve made an appreticeship as a wallpainter...after my assay to be a journey man...I wasn`t able to work in my old I started a special studies-school...which you only can make if you had an now I´m on this school... have a besides job (two times a week at a fillin-station)...and sometimes I work private for some people in my wallpainter job

do you strip the paint as well :rolleyes: :p:D:D:p


17 Juli 2003
Website besuchen
Into digital equipment for studio & Tv-stuff, quite nice, but for the moment it's very much to do and I think it would be better to be a Gravedigger....=) Vacation is still ahead.... 1 week to go.


W:O:A Metalmaster
29 Mai 2002
Washington D.C., USA
I'm a student, but since some of us have to PAY BILLS, I work at a sporting goods store ( selling camping/outdoors gear - tents, backpacks, sleeping bags, canoes, kayaks, that kinda crap.

Wanna visit? From DC, drive North up I-270, get off at exit 9B (Sam Eig Highway), follow the ramp to Washingtonian Center, and ours is the huge fucking building the size of an airplane hangar. Ask for Scotty in camping, and bring beer! :D


W:O:A Metalmaster
21 Dez. 2001
Helltown Ahaus
Originally posted by Warthog
I'm a student, but since some of us have to PAY BILLS, I work at a sporting goods store ( selling camping/outdoors gear - tents, backpacks, sleeping bags, canoes, kayaks, that kinda crap.

Wanna visit? From DC, drive North up I-270, get off at exit 9B (Sam Eig Highway), follow the ramp to Washingtonian Center, and ours is the huge fucking building the size of an airplane hangar. Ask for Scotty in camping, and bring beer! :D

If I ever will be in Washington D.C. ....for sure I´ll meet you then....*lol*... :D ;)


W:O:A Metalhead
Originally posted by Warthog
I'm a student, but since some of us have to PAY BILLS, I work at a sporting goods store ( selling camping/outdoors gear - tents, backpacks, sleeping bags, canoes, kayaks, that kinda crap.

Wanna visit? From DC, drive North up I-270, get off at exit 9B (Sam Eig Highway), follow the ramp to Washingtonian Center, and ours is the huge fucking building the size of an airplane hangar. Ask for Scotty in camping, and bring beer! :D

I´m sure you get discounts at the store I once went to this huge outlet sport mall in Florida

damn you're making me an enticing offer ! to the US the murder capital :(


W:O:A Metalmaster
29 Mai 2002
Washington D.C., USA
Originally posted by Shadowtear
If I ever will be in Washington D.C. ....for sure I´ll meet you then....*lol*... :D ;)

lol, feel free to drop by anytime! I offer beer, food, and clean accomodations for all metalheads travelling from afar! :D

Originally posted by dittohead
i was near DC...once, hated that shit little place called N-Y-fucking-C :p

haha, oh yes...NYC is very near to's only FIVE hours drive away, lol. :p :rolleyes: :D

Originally posted by berserkur
I´m sure you get discounts at the store I once went to this huge outlet sport mall in Florida

damn you're making me an enticing offer ! to the US the murder capital :(

ah, don't worry, that's old news. :) that was back when DC had that cracksmoking asswipe Marion Barry for mayor. Just stay on the north side of the Anacostia River and you're fine! The south side ain't safe for white people...