You stole my heart

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31 Juli 2012
I'm looking for the handsome dude that stood behind me during the Powerwolf show on Saturday.
You were there with (I assume) your father. He was wearing a Manowar shirt, you stood with him with your long curly hair, left arm fully tattooed, skinny jeans, Arch Enemy shirt and your battle jacket with a small patch from Twisted Sister on your collarbone.
We were standing on the left side of the Faster stage, between the bar and near to the '' wheelchairstage ''. At some point you walked away and when you came back you passed right me by. I said something to you, you didn't understand it because I said it to you in Dutch.

Me and my friend were a little in front of you, both wearing a Manowar shirt. The people behind us threw confetti and painted our faces with glitter. All I could do is stare and I really enjoyed the view. You've watched the whole Powerwolf show and after the 2020 announcements you (and your father?) left.

Who are you?
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