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Uuiiii!!! Just now saw this...Seriously? *hnnngggnn* - Yeees! U zijn (dunno 2nd person ) een schat!
By the way, could you help me a bit with the tickets for the gig (am not too bad at reading dutch but fear to overlook something important maybe...)? Is it true that I can fetch them at a post office in Holland? They´re available at
Hmm..sure we could drink some amaretto after the gig
Hmm it should be "Je bent een schat". That's something my former girlfriend didn't say about me
Hmm..strange you can't order those tickets in Germany. I think it's safe to order those tickets in one of the larger post offices in the Netherlands. I think Enschede is nearest for you. You could phone the ticket service but I warn you, it's fuckin' expensive..
hey sistsa, that's an important word !
Especially if you're pissed and sleepning in your car.
(whilst the car stereo is blasting at max level )
So you wake up with an aching head and an empty car battery)
Speaking of languages,does anybody here speak Russian?I speak very little & I'm going to learn as much as I can from my grandmother(She's from the Ukraine) before I come to Wacken.
I met only 3 Russians at Wacken this year. A girl who is currenty living in Berlin and was very surprised that someone living in Australia could speak fluent Russian. I guess some Russians are close-minded
Plus I met the editor of a Russian metal mag and his partner - they were cool!
I don't think many Russians go to Wacken - too expensive for them (kind like for us )
Plus I think they have their own huge metal festival somewhere between Wacken and Summerbreeze so they don't really need to come