Originally posted by Supercharger
I'm curious gnoff
Ah, someone wants to hear about it
Well, the thing is called "Unrealestate" and is four ballets performed at the same night.
The first one was really strange, two female dancers that (as far as I read about it) symbolised when Mary (English name?) Jesus' mother was visited by the angel to tell her she was carrrying gods child, or something like that. It was just faucking strange... I'd call it some sort of modern dance or so.
At one part it started to look like a lesbian live show and we all got really interested
But now, didnät go that far...
After this followed a short more "typical" ballet, with a female and a male dancer. With classical instruments and such. But only 4 minutes locng.
Long enough I'll say
Then followed a break for about 30 minutes, before the next show.
This was a 20 minute long ballet with classical instruments and typical "ballerinas", stuff like that.
Boring in other words.
One more break...
But in this break they passed out earplugs
The first time in the history of the Royal Opera that they give out earplugs to the audience
Now it was starting...
LG was at a piano, a lone femal dancer was present, then all hell broke loose, Entombed started playing and several dancers just freaked out on stage
What followed was more songs by Entombed, dancing by lots and lots of both male and female dancers, cool costumes and much more.
I do not regret going, but all in all it was a bit strange.
I guess that these 80 year old ladies that was in the front row has some stories for their grand children now