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Hey, it's just after Xmas/New Years...all the bands, managers, and Wacken organizers need to recover from their hangovers before they can start talking business again.
I hope the Wacken crew would book more thrash bands like Death Angel
Agent Steel
Testament (now when Chuck is back and Testament are doing
gigs once again after the long break!)
Necrodeath (Italian deathrashers, they rule check out
... Hey what about Voivod, they have got a new album out and are about to tour and do a plenty of festivals around ?!
Can somebody (who has inside connections) tell me whether the organisation is still interested in booking Nasty Savage? The band was asked whether they were interested, the answer was "Yes" and they have not heard anything anymore after that...
Regarding the line-up so far I still haven't bought the ticket; waiting for some nasty confirmation!
at least there are some bands confirmed, and the year is long.
I'm still waiting on the news about DOA, if it will take place this year and what bands will come