Winter weather.

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W:O:A Metalmaster
4 Feb. 2003
last year in college it snowed.....and the buses need to get up the hill or else! so the college cancells.! :D:D:D
and i found a handy phone in the snow :D:D


W:O:A Metalmaster
4 Feb. 2003
Originally posted by Thordis V.
I'm living next door to our university so there's no trouble with bad weather and slippy streets ;)

hehehe :p

i have to travel to get a train..get wait for one to go to the city centre....usually 20mins....but the GREATEST excuse "leaves on the line" delays it ALOT...then 1hr train to Luton....maybe delay for another 20-30min :(

when i start in september.
ahhh i might just live in uni campus :p


W:O:A Metalmaster
4 Feb. 2003
Originally posted by Thordis V.
I traveld once by train shortly after christmas. It should take me 6,5 hours. A terrible storm passed the way, and I needed 17 hours.
hehe yeah! ouch!!!!!! nedxt time ill bring big boots :p
same thing the way to college..normally 1hr, i left 1hr30mins before i i can get a coffee, etc. walked around the corned....A HUUUUUUUUGE puddle! tried to walk pasted it....wet my socket :(...went a new warm pair...same thing happened again :mad:! :p so i asked my mum to drop me off at the station....went past the huuuuge puddle were i wet my socks......then saw a MUCH BIGGER puddle...haha

then got to the city centre hbf delays, canceled delays....huuuuuuuuuuge hurricane type of winds + rain - ALL TRAINS CANCELLED :mad: i jumped on a bus to college...didnt know wher to get off... so i went home. haha.
funny story now...but was very stressing...


W:O:A Metalmaster
4 Feb. 2003
Originally posted by Thordis V.
yeah, some hot tea, a working mobile and sleeping pills next time...

but I'll go alone by train for longer distances

hehehe yeah!! and some stress-relief! :D:D

or bring some storm chaser cloths...BIG BRIGHT torches, big bright yellow jacket and loud american voice..telling you to turn around :p:p:p

Thordis V.

W:O:A Metalgod
25 Nov. 2001
Linz und Bern
the problem was, the German railway company made a big mistake. In Munich they already knew that the train station of Augsburg was destroyed, but instead of saying anything, the train went on. And near Augsburg there's no way to turn around. 7 trains there, no heaters, no hot drinks, no toilets working and the storm broke out again. People went crazy especially elder people where talking about death and so on. I got a bit crazy in there.
After hours the train went back to Munich, then via Kempten to Ulm. When going out of Kempten the train took the wrong way and almost crashed into another one. Shit!

I only got 50 € back for that, but payed 150 bucks for my one way ticket to Karlsruhe.

That's why I don't like going by train.


W:O:A Metalmaster
4 Feb. 2003
:eek: JESUS!!!!!!
sounds worse than the whole of the british ungerground system...very old, dusty and disgusting! the Chancery Lane crashed happened a few stops after the driver warned them off some errors that he hearded & saw on the train.....