what is a nazi band doing at WOA 2004?

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W:O:A Metalmaster
15 Aug. 2002
Website besuchen
I don't get this...folks, what exactly has Shukri done to you? Yes, Mayhem are no nazis, but Shukris discussion style was correct. All this insulting sucks really bad - but that seems to be the case all the time in the English Forum nowadays. Oh well, keep a low profile until things get better...


W:O:A Metalmaster
29 Mai 2002
Washington D.C., USA
Originally posted by monochrom
I don't get this...folks, what exactly has Shukri done to you? Yes, Mayhem are no nazis, but Shukris discussion style was correct. All this insulting sucks really bad - but that seems to be the case all the time in the English Forum nowadays. Oh well, keep a low profile until things get better...

It's an inevitable result of when a discussion get emotionally charged - and when you touch on a topic that's even tangentially related to Nazism, someone is going to get emotional about it. And when discussions get emotional, sooner or later, insults are going to fly. I doubt Shukri came here intending to hurt anyone's feelings, but I'm sure he expected just as much as any of us that someone was going to take it personally when he accused their favorite band of raising their right hands at the wrong angle.


W:O:A Metalmaster
10 Jan. 2002
Edinburgh, Scotland
Originally posted by Warthog
It's an inevitable result of when a discussion get emotionally charged - and when you touch on a topic that's even tangentially related to Nazism, someone is going to get emotional about it. And when discussions get emotional, sooner or later, insults are going to fly. I doubt Shukri came here intending to hurt anyone's feelings, but I'm sure he expected just as much as any of us that someone was going to take it personally when he accused their favorite band of raising their right hands at the wrong angle.

Nah....we've gotten round to insults about things that have nothing to do with nazism...

well...I have....


W:O:A Metalmaster
15 Aug. 2002
Website besuchen
Originally posted by Warthog
It's an inevitable result of when a discussion get emotionally charged - and when you touch on a topic that's even tangentially related to Nazism, someone is going to get emotional about it. And when discussions get emotional, sooner or later, insults are going to fly. I doubt Shukri came here intending to hurt anyone's feelings, but I'm sure he expected just as much as any of us that someone was going to take it personally when he accused their favorite band of raising their right hands at the wrong angle.

Wise words as always. ;)