What CD should I buy?

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A Coming Curse

W:O:A Metalhead
11 Mai 2003
Leeds, England
Website besuchen
right... back on Topic....
not knowing what bands you like will make this difficult.... but 5 albums everyone should own are....
Pantera - The Great Southern Trendkill : possibly the best metal album of all time.... brutal yet melodic, crushing yet calm.... everything an album should be......

At the Gates - Slaughter of the soul : An amazing album.... every song on it is class... especially under a serpent sun, cold, nausea, the title track and of course blinded by fear

Carcass - Heartwork : Truely immense.... Heartwork and Carnal forge are epic songs..... another album thats quality from start to finish.....

Slayer - Seasons in the abyss : Not slayers fastest or most brutal album.... but it has some of the best songs they have done..... Seasons of the abyss and War Ensemble being two of them......

Iced Earth - (any) : The truth is.... apart from the Melancholy E.P. every iced earth album is as good as each other...... the best bet is to pick up Days of Purgatory on the cheap and see what you think.... then if you like I can recommend other albums.....


W:O:A Metalmaster
4 Feb. 2003
i totally agree with both the footballl comment and the list :D:D

fuuucking cool albums :p