What band shirt are u wearing now?

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A Coming Curse

W:O:A Metalhead
11 Mai 2003
Leeds, England
Website besuchen
I have 7 pantera shirts, 5 slayer shirts, 3 iced earth shirts, 1 carcass shirt, 1 At the gates shirt, 2 the haunted shirts, 1 opeth shirt (which I am wearing now, or was wearing... been in the bath), 2 in flames shirts, 1 iron maiden shirt, a bezerker shirt, 1 shadows fall shirt, 3 SOAD shirts and some other shirts I cant remember the name of... I hope to get some good shirts in hamburg... how much are they roughly??? and is there a good place to go to buy them????

A Coming Curse

W:O:A Metalhead
11 Mai 2003
Leeds, England
Website besuchen
I want decent shirts by Slayer, Carcass, Susperia, Blind Guardian, Annihilator, Masterplan, Arch Enemy, Atrocity, Carnal Forge, Dark Tranquillity, Anthrax, Iced Earth, Metallica, Neurosis, Raise Hell, Satyricon, Strapping young lad etc... you'll think i'll find???? and really.... what prices??? 10 euros? 20 euros?


W:O:A Metalmaster
21 Dez. 2001
Helltown Ahaus
Originally posted by A Coming Curse
I want decent shirts by Slayer, Carcass, Susperia, Blind Guardian, Annihilator, Masterplan, Arch Enemy, Atrocity, Carnal Forge, Dark Tranquillity, Anthrax, Iced Earth, Metallica, Neurosis, Raise Hell, Satyricon, Strapping young lad etc... you'll think i'll find???? and really.... what prices??? 10 euros? 20 euros?

I really think you`ll find them :)
Mmh... I think the normal price for a T-shirt is betwenn 10 and 15 euros and for a longsleeve 15-25 euros