What band shirt are u wearing now?

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Originally posted by Shadowtear
Siebenbürgen - Plaqued be thy angel

That's a great album!!! I'd not heard anything about them until a mate of mine discovered them by accident, then I went out to find something by them, and wouldn't you know....my local metal paradise 'Hellraiser' had the very album. Yeah, I like them but need to buy more by them.

...oh, band shirt....yes, at the moment I am wearing:

Immortal - At the Heart of Winter
Originally posted by Shadowtear
Siebenbürgen - Plaqued be thy angel

That's a great album!!! I'd not heard anything about them until a mate of mine discovered them by accident, then I went out to find something by them, and wouldn't you know....my local metal paradise 'Hellraiser' had the very album. Yeah, I like them but need to buy more by them.

...oh, band shirt....yes, at the moment I am wearing:

Immortal - At the Heart of Winter
Originally posted by Shadowtear
Siebenbürgen - Plaqued be thy angel

That's a great album!!! I'd not heard anything about them until a mate of mine discovered them by accident, then I went out to find something by them, and wouldn't you know....my local metal paradise 'Hellraiser' had the very album. Yeah, I like them but need to buy more by them.

...oh, band shirt....yes, at the moment I am wearing:

Immortal - At the Heart of Winter


W:O:A Metalmaster
21 Juli 2002
Leeds UK
Originally posted by Mordecai
That's a great album!!! I'd not heard anything about them until a mate of mine discovered them by accident, then I went out to find something by them, and wouldn't you know....my local metal paradise 'Hellraiser' had the very album. Yeah, I like them but need to buy more by them.

...oh, band shirt....yes, at the moment I am wearing:

Immortal - At the Heart of Winter

immortal shirt??? i swear that sounds familar :confused:
