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W:O:A Metalmaster
9 Juli 2002
Mölndal, Sweden
LooseCannon schrieb:
Being sick.Caught a stomach flu from my mom.Woke up puking at 4:30 in the morning yesterday.

My sis & her 3 yr old daughter has it now.

I didn't have time to answer on MSN, I wasn't by the computer.
But they don't show the hockey games on regular TV here, so I can't tape it, sorry :(

Also, we have PAL and you NTSC, so you would have to have a VHS and a TV that can cope with PAL.


W:O:A Metalmaster
9 Juli 2002
Mölndal, Sweden
I've been working and studying, been at it full speed since 7 am, actually a bit tired now.

Also need to do the same tomorrow...

Thordis V.

W:O:A Metalgod
25 Nov. 2001
Linz und Bern
Sodomy&Lust schrieb:
Well, I'll do it at the end of 2 auctions in eBay..... :rolleyes: In 45 minutes or so :)

The I've to do for university, the easier I find something else to do :D

my plans for today... study, have a bath; wait until NecroPhil calles me (he's at his friend's place now), prepare lunch, in the afternoon... try to study some more