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W:O:A Metalmaster
5 Sep. 2002
Czech Republic
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Originally posted by DISGORGE
I´ve been caring to some of my wounds from training yesterday. Kinda hard to walk so I skipped school. Not much more really, just sitting around.

But it is cool to go to school when something hurts you...well nevermind I was allways fighting with friends just in the school... and with one guy that liked me....isnt that romantic ?:D I had allways arms full of bruises :D:D:D:D


W:O:A Metalhead
3 Aug. 2002
Baltimore,Maryland USA
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I'm going to the court house tomorrow to file for ANOTHER appeal for my unemployment benefits.Those cheap bastards I used to work had another appeal meeting & I was not informed in any way.I didn't show up to that meeting,so they rules in favor of the cheap fucks.

The latest round of appeals have to made in person at the Circut Court Of Baltimore City.I talked to my lawyer & he said to see if I can file for a "reconsideration".If I do(& I will in the AM) file for the appeal,it'll cost me up to $110 to file & it probably won't see a judge for a year.

The wheels of justice grind very slow in this country.