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W:O:A Metalhead
14 Dez. 2002
Carpathian Forest - The Swordsmen
quite simply the most perfect song ever written... it's perfection brings a tear to my eye! :)

Afterwards I'll be listening to a bit of Dark Age I think...

Metal Pede

W:O:A Metalhead
29 Nov. 2001
Originally posted by gnoff
Hey Pede!

Really looooong fucking time, no see!

How are ya man??

@ gnoff

Hey I'm just fine :D !

I've had some major problems with my account, so I couldn't post anything. But today I asked for a new password and here I am :) !!!

Seems like the forum is healthier than ever !!!

P.S. Only 51 days left for the ball of the year :)


W:O:A Metalmaster
9 Juli 2002
Mölndal, Sweden
Originally posted by Metal Pede
@ gnoff

Hey I'm just fine :D !

I've had some major problems with my account, so I couldn't post anything. But today I asked for a new password and here I am :) !!!

Seems like the forum is healthier than ever !!!

P.S. Only 51 days left for the ball of the year :)

Cool, nice to see ya back man!

And yes, Wacken is fucking close now :)

Gonna go to Bang Your Head first, warm up a little :)

NP: Hypocrisy - Paradox

<- Gonna watch Hypocrisy @ BYH