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4 Sep. 2006
frozen western depths of canada
While I could do that, it's one after the other. :p
I'll have spurts where I'll listen to the first 30 seconds and move on. I stopped on Slayer.

Heh, it was quite frozen here a week ago.. I like to pretend I'm 'kvlt' etc etc.. :)
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4 Sep. 2006
frozen western depths of canada
Norwegian Black Metal schrieb:
As a genre, the scene is sometime preoccupied with the concepts of "True" and "Cult" status (usually spelled "tr00" and "kvlt.") To the uninitiated, these ideas may be puzzling, so an attempt to define these follows. The quality of "tr00"-ness is an elusive one, essentially defined as a band's dedication to the scene and the precepts of
Black Metal....blah blah blah

"A band that is kvlt is essentially one that is not well-known. Popularity and success are regarded with suspicion by Black Metal scenesters, and a band that becomes too well-known and sells too many records is regarded as a sellout. This has led to the habit of underground bands releasing their recordings in limited numbers to prevent too many people from obtaining them. This seemingly counterproductive action is an attempt to remain kvlt. The success of many of the more "Melodic" bands, such as Dimmu Borgir and Cradle of Filth, has led to deep antipathies within the scene between their fans and those who espouse "tr00 kvlt Black Metal"."


Just a word associated with TNBM.. Frozen Antarctica, frozen depths of Canada, har har?
I said it in sarcasm.

Nile - Unas Slayer of the Gods
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