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W:O:A Metalmaster
13 Apr. 2002
Madrid - Spain
Kate McGee schrieb:
Secret of the Runes is such a great album.......don't like Lemuria and Sirius B as much.

But the two songs with the growling (after sooo many years without it) are just awesome! Really looking forward to the concert in Hamburg on 24.10

NP: Anthrax - Anyplace but here

Kate McGee

W:O:A Metalgod
13 Aug. 2002
Sodomy&Lust schrieb:
But the two songs with the growling (after sooo many years without it) are just awesome! Really looking forward to the concert in Hamburg on 24.10

NP: Anthrax - Anyplace but here
yeah maybe...but I really love the classical opera/choir vocals on SOTR...and on Lemuria/S B there's that guy with the horrible accent who tries to sing normally...I just don't like his voice...
and apart from that I think the compositions on the new albums aren't half as interesting as those on SOTR or...what was the other one? Deggial? I think it's Deggial.