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W:O:A Metalmaster
4 Feb. 2003
Originally posted by Carpathian_Wolf
you dont need to as theres nothing wrong with me. i think its the other way round miss narrow minded bitch :D

The only retard around here is you.....learnt to spell recently dumbass :D

skid row - quicksand jesus


W:O:A Metalmaster
5 Sep. 2002
Czech Republic
Website besuchen
Originally posted by Carpathian_Wolf
you dont need to as theres nothing wrong with me. i think its the other way round miss narrow minded bitch :D

The only retard around here is you.....learnt to spell recently dumbass :D

I can do what I want and you can just shut up and die :D Start to brush your yellow teeth you ugly catfucker!:D:D:D

I shit on spelling.Do you fucking understand? Oh I forgot that people from England are all retards.